Showing posts with label DATING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DATING. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Are you looking for some romantic date ideas or fun things to do on a first date with your special someone?  There are few better ways to add some good old-fashioned romantic ideas to your relationship or marriage than taking your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend out on a thoughtful, fun date. Whether it’s your first date or you’ve been together for fifty years, an original, special romantic date will refresh your relationship and help you and your lover fall in love with each other all over again.

The possibilities for unique fun romantic date ideas are endless. Regardless of where you live or what your circumstances are, fresh romantic ideas for dates surround all of us. What might seem commonplace to one person can, with a little old-fashioned romance, be turned into an amazing, exciting idea for a date with your special someone.

Below are 101 fun romantic date ideas, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to possibilities for you and your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. Use this list to come up with fresh dating ideas of your own, and leave a comment if you think of any that should be on the list!

Dates are always suppose to be fun and memorable.

101 Fun Romantic Date Ideas & First Date Ideas
A date at your favorite coffee shop
A date at the local park
A romantic picnic date
A date to a baseball game
A romantic afternoon walk together
A date to fly a kite together
A date at the beach on a sunny day
A putt-putt golf date
A horseback riding date
A canoing date
A date to a soccer game
A romantic camping trip date
A date to a classic car show
A date to the local spa to pamper each other
A date to the local zoo
A date running a marathon or jogging together
A date at a high-class cocktail lounge or restaurant
A date to test-drive new cars together
A date to a volleyball game
A date to learn to para-sail together
A date cooking a romantic meal together
A date to meet each other’s family members
A date at the local museum
A date to the county fair
A birdwatching date
A date to pick fruit together at a local orchard
A date to take your kids, nieces or nephews to the park
A roller-blading or rollerskating date
A date to a football game
A date to tour new homes together
A date to learn to scuba dive together
A date to carve pumpkins together for Halloween
A date to the local flea market
A date to ride a romantic ferris wheel together
A date to look at flowers at the local greenhouse
A date to watch a romantic DVD or video together at home
A date to go on a hiking trip together
A date to play a round at the local golf course
A romantic dinner date at a four-star restaurant
A whitewater rafting date
A date to window shop at a nice shopping center
A date to go fishing together
A date to a basketball game
A date to a local art gallery
A date to color eggs together for Easter
A romantic tour of local historic places
A date to build a snowman together
A date at the first place you ever went out together
A date to a local air-show
A rock-climbing date
A date at the local mall arcade to play games together
A date to buy ice-cream on a hot day
A date to go to your local comedy club for some laughs
A date to pick wildflowers together
A date to tour local college campuses
A date to a hockey game
A date to an aquarium
A date to go boating together on a nice, clear day
A date to learn surfing together at the beach
A date to a play or a live stage show
The classic “dinner and a movie” date
A romantic afternoon sharing old pictures from your childhood
A date to the planetarium or science center
A date to a carnival
An afternoon sightseeing drive on a nice day
A date to a batting cage
A romantic ride in a horse-drawn carriage
A date to your local bookstore
A date to the pet store to pick out a pet together
A date to a boxing match
A date to the gym to exercise together
A date to a karaoke bar for some singing
A date to build a sandcastle together at the beach
A date to wash your cars together
A date to the horse-racing track
A date to your local pool or swimming hole
A go-cart riding date
A date to a romantic movie
A date to go shopping for new clothes together
A date to a downtown nightclub or dance club
A date to walk your dogs together
A date to a stock car race
A date to go target shooting or a shooting range together
A date to read to each other at the park on a nice day
An overnight date at a nearby bed-and-breakfast
A date to a local antique shop
A romantic sledding date on a snowy day
A date to a wishing well to make wishes together
A date to a wrestling match
A date to a local winery
A date to go bungee jumping together
A date to a friend or family member’s wedding
A date to local garage sales to go treasure hunting
A hunting date
A date to go skydiving together
A date to listen to the symphony together
A romantic hot air balloon ride
A date to play Frisbee together at the park
A date to a local amusement park to ride roller coasters
A date to a rock concert
A date to the casino to learn a new game together

Figuring out Fun Dates

Be memorable for all the right reasons. When dating, show your spontaneous side by planning fun activities for your date (going for dinner and a movie is a bit played out, don’t you think?). This article offers you a few good suggestions to get started.

Fun dates bring excitement and interest to dating. It’s hard for a date to be forgotten when you’re cruising down the road in a rented sports car or surfing the air currents in a hot air balloon. Great dating ideas start with a little forethought and usually end with a smile. Here are a few fun dating ideas to get the ball rolling:
Go Riding
Find a place that will let you ride horses and go for a trail ride. This is a great way to get outside, enjoy nature and the fun of hoseback riding.
Rent a Car
Rent a luxury sports car for the day and take a trip out of town. Just because you don’t own one doesn’t mean you can’t drive one!
Go Karts
Find your local track and get suited up for a wild ride! If you find the right track and karts with the speed you need, this can be an exhilarating date!
$10 million
You’ve just won ten million dollars, or so you should pretend! Head out with your date and start making that list of things you’re going to buy. This is a great way to kick your cares free for a day.
Rock Climbing
Find an indoor gym that gives lessons and climb! It’s great exercise and a fun challenge for the both of you to undertake together.
Although not for the faint of heart, paintball can be a rush for the right couple. Fields usually allow walk-ons on weekends so why not take on the world with that special someone and a bucket of paint?
Golfing on a smaller scale is a nice, relaxing way to spend some time. Find a course near you, but be careful of the windmill. It can be deadly!
Play sailor for a day and get out on the waves. The local marina or yacht club probably offers lessons. You can also rent a canoe and head up or down a local river. Don’t forget your lifejacket!
Hot Air Balloon
Take a trip on a hot air balloon. Sure, it’s a little bit heavy on the cash but from hundreds of feet in the air, it won’t matter. It will be just you, the person you love, and some strange guy named Bruno who’s there to pull the string.
Flight Simulators
These are popping up all around and they’re quite good. Block off an hour and you can go head-to-head with your date in a heavily simulated situation. Look to your phone book for locations near you.
Now it’s your turn. Drop some suggestions below for fun dating ideas that you know of and keep the excitement of dating alive for all of us!

Have any comments? Care to add your suggestions or own personal experiences?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Pickup Lines that Will Get you the Biggest Response

10 Pickup Lines that Will Get you the Biggest Response

How to approach women and get noticed

It’s so important to meet women as often as you can. Some people wait for the opportunities to fall into their laps, and even then they are too shy to act on it. How many times have you been in line at a grocery store, doing your laundry or reading at the library when a very interesting girl catches your eye? And what happens when that woman, who is naturally drawn to you asks you a question? Most guys freeze up because they are completely unprepared, or they get freaked out because it’s been too long, or because of some other excuse.

Don’t miss out on another opportunity to talk to a girl. Dating is somewhat of a numbers game. The more you try, the better your chances at finding the right one. That’s where these pickup lines come in handy. Now please, don’t view these as your typical one liners. These are more like conversation starters. The idea is to get the girl to respond positively and hopefully stick around long enough to give you her BBM pin or add you to her contacts.

  1. Hi there! I have to tell you, that is a beautiful bracelet. I’d love to get one like it for my date tomorrow night.” Once she tells you where she got it, ask her to be your date. She’ll be flattered that you appreciate her great taste and it’s a bonus that you’re also interested in her.
  2. Who is your dentist? You have the most beautiful smile.” This is a great compliment to show her you appreciate a woman who takes care of her teeth and also that you like her smile. Listen to her answer and keep eye contact to keep the conversation going.
  3. Can I use your pen? I’d really like to get your number.” If suddenly her pen stops working, improvise! Save her number in your cell phone or memorize it if you have to. You can write it down later when you get the chance.

  1. Hi, nice to see you! You’re so pretty – you look like my next girlfriend.” If she has a sense of humour, she’ll get a kick out of this one. Keep going with a compliment. Tell her what attracted you to go over and speak to her. Girls respond to honesty and humour.
  2. Do you think I can get your number, when you have a minute?” This lets her know that you don’t want to intrude on her time. She’s probably busy, but let her know that you’ll wait for her if you have to. Tell her that you couldn’t let this great opportunity pass.
  3. I’ve never seen anyone like you before. Where do you come from?” This one works really well on women who are exotic looking. Tell her how different she looks and how refreshing it is to see her. She will love hearing that you notice her and appreciate that she is unique.

  1. I see you like milk. I know an Italian place that makes the best Alfredo sauce that I would love to take you to – When are you free?” This one’s a bit long, so make sure that you pause to get her reactions before you rattle the whole thing off. She will be impressed that you want to set a date sometime soon and will already start considering your offer.
  2. I can’t believe I didn’t see you until now. Let me make it up to you over coffee later today?” This line is perfect if you see a girl who looks busy and is about to disappear from your life. She will be intrigued by what you have to say, so make sure that you tell her why you two had to meet.
  3. You have the most incredible hair. What do you say to showing it off while dancing with me tonight?” She’ll be happy about the compliment, but make sure that you keep the conversation going. Ask her about her favourite music and clubs in the area, and then bring focus back to your date.

  1. Sweetheart, do you think you could take a chance on me? I feel so lucky to have met you.” This one works great for the girl that believe in chance and destiny. If she smiles or gives you any type of encouragement, remember to follow up with an offer to spend time together, like going for a walk, going to an art gallery, catching the local pee-wee baseball game, or any other fun activity you had in mind.

Stick to these lines and feel free to improvise and have fun! Just make sure that you don’t wait too long to get around to asking her out. She will see that you’re not very serious if you don’t propose a date. Become a date magnet and don’t let any girl slip through your fingers again.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How Shy People Flirt

What Eye Contact?
That's right - shy people hate eye contact, so you can imagine their dilemma when eye contact is the key ingredient to flirting successfully! Shy people will often do the classic 'quickly look, quickly look away' trick. There are numerous disadvantages to this; firstly, the person they're trying to flirt with won't even pick up on the subtle sign. Secondly, the shy person may look a little strange or suspicious with their eyes continuously darting all over the place!

Hide N' Go Seek
Another classic flirting technique of a shy person is known as the childish 'hide and go seek'. This technique is often used as a last resort, when the shy person has given up all hopes of even approaching their crush. You will commonly notice them hiding behind their textbook, or any other object large enough to cover their face.

Like flirting, but with the added sting of sarcasm, the shy person often hides behind being cynical or slightly negative when talking to their crush. They try to act cool, intelligent, and even a little bit like a jerk because they lack the courage to just come out and say it: "I like you. A lot". Awkward!

Permanent Friend Zone

Ouch, this one is bound to hurt! Often a shy person will achieve the status of finally "being friends" with their crush, however this is where their ambitions end. The shy person will lack the courage to pursue anything more than friends, so "in the friend zone" they will forever stay.

New Friend Request

The invention of Facebook was an answer to the prayers of many shy people for a number of reasons. Firstly, they're able to simply click a button in order to "friend" their crush. Secondly, once the friend request has been accepted, the shy person is then able to begin what is known as "Flirtbooking" - engaging in the odd 'like' or 'poke' here or there. Sadly, the flirtation does not extend into the real world for those who are extra shy...

Stalker Alert!

While some shy people can only work up the courage to send a friend request on Facebook to their crush, others take it a little step further and may come across as being "stalkerish". This often includes multiple 'likes' of photos, statuses, wall posts, etc. The biggest hint that you've got an avid, but shy, fan on your hands? When they like your photos or statuses from years ago...

Flirting Through Music

Shy people also use the common trick of telling their crush to listen to a particular song, because "it's really cool, you'll probably like it!" Often unknown to the crush, the song will sum up the shy person's feelings and affections towards them. If the crush becomes a little suspicious about the lyrics or meaning of the song, the shy person can simply shrug it off as having "an awesome guitar riff" or "sick drums"...

Bursting With Emotion

Shy people often utilise alcohol as a confidence elixir, and it isn't hard to see why! Suddenly they feel more courageous and silly than they ever have, and you know what this means? They're ready to confess their feelings to you! If a usually shy person suddenly starts being very affectionate or flirtatious with you once they're under the influence of alcohol, then you know they've been crushing on you all along...

Pearly Whites

Shy people feel as though the safest option for them to show their affection to their crush is simply to smile at them. This is a risk-free move because, lets face it, everyone smiles at everyone these days! Like most flirting options chosen by shy people however, this one is super subtle, and will often go unnoticed.

The Starer

Shy people sometimes even work up the courage to stare at their crush - gasp! The only problem with staring is that it has a 50/50 chance of being successful. Either the person being stared at will think it is a compliment because they find the person staring at them to be quite attractive, or stranger-danger alarm bells will ring in their head and they will find it creepy!

The Laughing Addict
We've all come across someone like this - the person who laughs at absolutely everything! Often this laughter is a nervous laugh from a shy person, who feels that if they laugh at everything their crush says or does, then it will come across as flirting. While happy and bubbly people are often found attractive, laughing at a story of someone's pet getting hit by a car or an equally as sad story will not win you any brownie points!

The Friends Blanket
Shy people seem so confident and sure of their feelings towards their crush whilst they are with their friends, but then as soon as it's just one-on-one time with their crush, they become all shy again! Shy people will often use their friends as a safety blanket, so if you find they act disinterested or distant while they're alone with you, this just means they find it hard to flirt without the back-up of their friends.

Favors Galore
Have you got a shy friend who seems to always go out of their way to help you? Looks like this friend might have a little bit of a crush on you! Shy people will often do favors for the person they like, however they will mask these favors as simply "just trying to help out / be nice". To shy people, this is flirting.

Cell Phone Flirting

You probably realize by now that shy people aren't too great with the whole "flirting face-to-face thing". Another trick shy people use to flirt with is their cell phone or computer. They will find it extremely easy to be flirtatious over text message or via a chat session, but as soon as you see them in person they act disinterested or pretend they didn't see you just to avoid any awkwardness.

Silent Witness
Shy people will gladly take part in a conversation with their crush, but only as far as listening goes! You might notice that a shy person will never ask questions or delve deeper into your personality or interests - they just simply don't have the courage! Shy people will instead satisfy their curiosity by asking other people about you, or by checking out your social media pages for more information.

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